Which herbs increases the potency in men, without damage to health

Sexual relations occupy a significant part of the life of a man, and often are the basis for its harmonious existence with the surrounding world. Power reduction in men may cause: deterioration of health, cause the deterioration of mood, depression, lowering of the vital tone, so as to become the main cause of divorce of the spouses.


There are many factors that determine the power level of the male population, including nutrition, physical activity, presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), psychological problems and td. In some situations, decrease of potency in men explains the use of hormonal drugs, antidepressants or anxiolytics.

Men usually are concerned about their sexual health, as well as the presence full sexual acts increases the male libido, eliminates the various fears, insecurities and other psychological complexes.

Useful for men's health herb

  • Ginseng — from the root of this plant serves extracts and herbal teas, tablets and powders. The long-term treatment plans to improve sexual activity, but even a single meal, and about seven hours before the intimate contact significantly improve erections and increase the duration.

They are effective if herbs to increase the power? Yes, and the centuries-old folk medicine is demonstrated. Recipes various infusions and decoctions are well-known in Russia, China, Japan, India.

If there are plants which act in a moment? No, this is a gradual process, which requires compliance with strict tips and recipes.

As is clear from the title of the grass, is designed to fight diseases in men. The root of the herb has a stimulating effect, increases the libido and improves erection.

Before using the remedies to increase the power necessary to have a consultation with the doctor. If you have allergies, then you need to be careful to take the herbal medicines, some of which may cause an allergic reaction.

Balanoposthitis – inflammation of the head and of the skin, preputial bag sexual organ, men are often. Disease pathogens are pathogenic microbes. For the treatment of disease apply to all types of ointments and creams.

Medicinal herbs

Why is it this disease

The most frequent cause of the development balanoposthitis is to neglect the hygiene of the external genitalia, and promiscuous and unprotected sexual relations. The disease develops in contact with the head of the penis, staphylococci, yeasts, fungi and other microbes.

Men who suffer from diabetes, hypovitaminosis and anaemia are also at increased risk of the development of the disease. Inflammation of the head of the penis and preputial bag is also developed the herpes, scabies, trichomoniasis and other diseases.

Guys balanoposthitis may develop as a result of the narrow external opening of the prepuce (phimosis).

What conditions are necessary for the treatment of balanitis and balanoposthitis

Experts distinguish between balanitis and balanoposthitis. When balanitis the inflammatory process and develops only on the head of the penis. When balanoposthitis is fired the head of the penis and the skin of the foreskin.

When the local therapy doctor puts in front of sick conditions necessary to ensure a full recovery:

  • a careful hygiene of the head and the foreskin. Without this it is impossible to get the required result;
  • resolution of the etiologic agent of the disease with the help of specific medicines;
  • the combination of local therapy with antiviral and antibacterial components. List just for this medication is made individually for each patient.

Before starting the search of the recipes of traditional medicine, you should carefully examine the herbs to increase the power, their properties and characteristics.

Causes of reduction of the power men and treatment

To solve the problem of men is a widely-used sage. In the course are the peaks with flowers, buds and leaves:

  1. Sage you need to take in number of two large spoons (you need the leaves of the plant), and pour a glass of boiling water, then cook in a bain-marie, with approximately a quarter of an hour. Take in filtered and refrigerated.
  2. The grass in the quantity of a tablespoon, pour boiling water (200 ml) and infused in a thermos for about half an hour. Portion divided in three divided doses.
  3. At home she helps with premature ejaculation bath-tub with aromatic herbs, such as sage, thyme, chamomile and calendula. For the preparation you need to take all the ingredients in equal parts, pour boiling water and insist for forty minutes.

Herbal medicine since ancient times, widely used in the treatment of various diseases. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma include in their number. Herbs are not inferior to medicinal products and better absorbed by the body.The benefits of herbal medicine.

Herbal medicine

The benefits of herbal medicine

To determine the feasibility of using of herbs to increase the power, it's also worth considering all the benefits of a therapy in the home.

How to increase potency in men with the help of folk remedies

Before starting the treatment, requires a change in lifestyle, give up bad habits. It is necessary to eliminate a negative factor, that has the beginning, the development of the disease. For this we need to know what can cause a reduction of the power:

  • Alcohol affects your virility. Alcoholic drinks have a strong impact on the sexual sphere. The regular consumption of alcohol involves loss of sexual ability. So, to get rid of the problem, you need to stop this harmful habit, if present.
  • The smoke is the cause of many diseases, influence and power. In modern cigarettes has a lot of chemicals, which are used to improve the taste, increase the effect, and so on. In addition, in the cigarettes contain resins that are toxic, that affect the production of male hormones. To eliminate the negative effects of smoking, it is best to separate himself from this bad habit.
  • Correctly the food, i.e. the consumption of fatty and fried foods has a negative influence on the power. In roasted food contains carcinogenic substances, which reduce the strength of the male. Plant-based foods, dairy products must be regularly present in the male menu.
  • Stress, nervous disorders, depression, complicate the problem of power. You must develop the ability to manage stress, learn to productively deal with the problems and difficulties.

Only after having resolved all these issues, you can proceed to the treatment.

But it is worth to realize that impotence may develop under the influence of some chronic diseases, such as, for example:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • atherosclerosis and disease of the blood vessels;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • inflammatory diseases of the prostate, bladder, testis.

In the presence of such problems, including the means of traditional medicine can not cope. Requires pharmacological treatment, which will be directed to eliminate the causes of origin.

The strengthening of the male body, the increase of the detect abnormalities of testosterone production provided reasonable use of st. john's wort. Ready 10 g of grass, pour a glass of boiling water. Take the drug is necessary for third of a cup per day.

Tea power

How to prepare for the application of folk remedies to increase potency

What are then the rules need to be followed for herbs to increase the potency in men are more effective and have no side effects?

  • Herbal treatment effective only after an accurate determine the cause of a power sag.
  • Decide what type of grass is best to use, do not listen to the advice of friends, and always consult on this topic with an expert.
  • In some diseases, a positive effect the full treatment, the herbal therapy should be combined with a course of pharmacological treatment and physio-procedures.
  • A positive result from the herbal treatment is visible only after a long period of application, so be prepared for the fact that a day of reception herbal tea will not have a magical effect.
  • During the course of the herbal therapy do not drink alcoholic beverages, stop smoking and adhere to easy diet diet.

The course of the herbal treatment should prescribe the doctor, after the examination of the patient, the accurate diagnosis of a breach, the study of the history of the disease. Specialist of select grass, considering contraindications and the combination of these with applied medicines, will determine the duration of the course.

Expenses, and herbs

A similar means of tibetan monks have been treated the men in the fifth century before our era. Prepare it is not difficult, it is important to follow the dosing recommendations.

Still a tool which is able to enhance male erection and does not require long manipulations.

It is difficult to overestimate how important it is for men to have a normal power. The problem with "male part" often become the cause of insecurity in themselves and their abilities, disappears the feeling of fullness of life, in the nervous system, you develop other serious diseases.

Modern medicine offers several solutions in case of violation of erectile function, but it is mainly the abuse of drugs that have side effects.

However, before applying drugs pharmacy, it makes sense to try to use natural remedies. For example, many know that beautiful helps ginseng tincture for power. Which are still in the grass, for the male enhancement strength?

Herbs for impotence, you can use it by yourself. But it is much more effective if the amount of the taxes and receive according to the recommendations. What plants can be used to increase male power?

On the basis of the above the average, it is possible to produce effective drugs to increase potency.

Medicinal plants


Folk remedies to improve power include herbal treatments. With well-selected herbal medicinal products, it is possible to increase the power in a hurry.

The power of men in most of the cases is reduced due to inflammatory processes, or circulatory disorders. Herbal medicines to solve this problem.

With their help, it is possible to adjust the circulation, expand blood vessels, reduce inflammation. Ingredients for the preparation of drugs to purchase only in pharmacies, it's not worth to buy medicinal herbs in the markets natural.

Nettle. Improves the metabolism and stimulates the genito-urinary tract function. For the preparation of drugs take 100 grams of chopped herbs pour 300 ml of boiling water. Tool finished take three times a day before meals.

Micronized ginseng – 0,5 tbsp;honey – 2 tablespoons of This drug is taken orally 4 times daily, a teaspoonful at a dose.


Herbs to increase potency in men the instant action does not exist, begin to function only at a long light applications.

A good remedy will be the collection of mint, nettle and st john's wort. A large spoonful of the mixture, pour a liter of boiling water for 30 minutes, filter, divide it into several parts and taking during the day.

It helps not only grass, nettle, but also its seeds. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction seed prepared as a tea, simply pour in a cup a tablespoon of seeds, pour the water and drink half-an-hour.

A wonderful way to improve the strength of the male will be the consumption of seeds of nettles with red wine and beeswax with the honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. In addition, the men increases immunity, purifies the blood, is prostatitis.

Black cumin

Against the impotence in the house use the black cumin seeds:

  1. the seeds of the earth with the help of the coffee grinder;
  2. measure a teaspoon;
  3. pour in a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

The course of treatment will be of 1 month. In a similar dosage of black cumin take together with chicken and eggs, it's best to do it before breakfast.

Perfectly against the reduced power works in the oil plants. Take 25 drops, add to a spoon of natural honey, take within a month and a half three times a day.


Increase sexual desire helps rhizome galangal. The plant is distinguished by its ability to improve the functioning of the heart, lower the consequences of the transferred stress situations. The plant is mixed with other herbs against impotence.

The raw material, boil for about 20 minutes on low heat, insist 2 hours. Take recommended three times per day. Standard dosage become two of the large spoons for 15 minutes before a meal.

Ginseng root

Application root, galangal undesirable, high body temperature, wind speed, temperature, and infectious diseases processes in the body. Another limit will be the tendency for the formation of blood clots.

Ginseng root

Tibetan or altai ginseng is considered to be a natural aphrodisiac, is part of a series of supplements from impotence and other sexual disorders. In the plant has a complex of essential oils, tannins, improve the blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The plant is manifestations of moderate power, improves body tone, good for the duration of sexual intercourse.

Dried ginseng is mixed with vodka, insist 3 days, take 25 drops for 30 minutes before eating. The drug is suitable for a course of application, in this case, drink 15 drops three times a day for three months.

According to the statistics, the problem of erectile dysfunction in men with the passing of the years becomes more and more "young", i.e. if before the male libido is decreased in advanced age, today with this is facing more and more often young people. The traditional medicine and the application of medicinal herbs to the resolution of low libido held a common goal — eradicate the reasons of this phenomenon and its consequences.